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Nurturing the Mind and Body: How Quality Sleep Enhances Both Physical & Mental Health

We’re all aware that sleep is needed for our physical health, but the same applies to our mental health too. A study found that people who get less than 6 hours of sleep per night are 2.5 times more likely to face mental distress. This can lead to a vicious cycle in those living with kidney disease.

For kidney patients, insomnia and sleep disturbances are common symptoms. Not having this time to recuperate can affect both body and mind. Struggling to fall asleep and sleep disturbances are usually down to the additional symptoms associated. Some common causes include restless leg syndrome, sleep apnoea, and heightened anxiety.

We want to help you understand and pinpoint the cause of your limited sleep and give you some practical solutions. This may involve trial and error as every individual will be different but put them into practice and see what works for you.

Discovering the underlying cause of your sleep deprivation

Let's get to the bottom of what’s causing your sleep issues. Even though kidney disease can cause insomnia, it usually goes hand in hand with other symptoms like:

- Restless leg syndrome

- Sleep apnoea

- Anxiety and depression

- Changes in sleep patterns

- Too much caffeine

By getting to the root cause, you can look further into solutions.

The link between sleep and mental health

When we sleep, our brain processes and organises all the information it’s taken in during the day. When we don’t get enough rest, these processes are interrupted and can have a negative impact on our judgement and cognitive function. Thus, causing irritability, mood swings and depression.

How to develop healthy sleeping habits

Getting into a routine can really help with sleep habits. Set yourself a schedule and make sure you stick to it, even on weekends. Avoid using screens or watching TV for an hour or so before bed. Make sure your bedroom is a calm atmosphere where you can really switch off and pay attention to the temperature, make sure it isn’t too warm. During the day, make sure you get outside take in some natural daylight and get some gentle exercise.

Seek medical advice

If you’re still struggling to get enough sleep, it might be worth getting some medical advice. Although sleep disturbances are a common symptom of kidney disease, there may be something else affecting the quality of your rest.


It’s important to get a good night's sleep for both our physical and mental wellbeing. Especially for Kidney Patients who commonly experience sleep disturbances. Getting to the root cause is usually key to finding a solution. Whether you’re suffering from restless legs, sleep apnoea, or anxiety, implementing sleep hygiene and routine can make a big difference to your quality of sleep.

If you’re still struggling, you should consider contacting a medical professional and seek advice.

Hannah Walters

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